How’s Your Attitude of Gratitude?

Focusing on gratitude takes a shift in attitude, in my opinion. When something goes awry, we have a choice. We can focus on the negativity or instead, have an attitude adjustment and change our focus to the many things we all have to be thankful for.

Studies have shown that having gratitude can decrease depression, anxiety, chronic pain and disease risk, as well as improve mood, sleep, and immunity, according to Mayo Clinic Health System.

My husband is undergoing his third bout of cancer in five years. There are many yucky things I could focus on but instead, I CHOOSE not to go down that road and instead, try to keep my thoughts positive and count my MANY blessings.

Here are some ways to focus on gratitude and improve your health to boot:

  • As you shut off your nightlight, mentally state one thing (or more) you are thankful for that happened earlier that day
  • Before you get out of bed in the morning, state three things you are grateful for. This will help shift your mood from other unpleasantries about the day ahead, you may have otherwise focused on
  • Keep a journal of all the good things that happened to you over the course of a day. When you are feeling down, read some entries in your journal.
  • Keep an ongoing list of everything you are grateful for, and post where needed as a daily reminder
  • Share with others why you are grateful for them. It will not only boost your inner self, but the other person's as well.

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