Hi, we're Fox Functional Nutrition Services. We believe the journey to a healthier life starts by digging deeper and getting to the root cause of the problem. It's uncovering the WHY behind your WHAT to address, correct, and restore your health back to life.

Do you feel like you're missing out in life because you don't have the energy to do what you want? Do you feel trapped inside a body that doesn't look, act, or feel like yours used to, despite what you do or try? Are you writing things down, so you don't forget even the minutest details because you feel like your brain is in a constant fog?
Whatever ails you didn't just pop up overnight. It's been simmering and festering for months to years. I examine all facets of what's going on to uncover the mental, physical, and emotional pieces that may have played a role in the symptoms you are now dealing with. Once uncovered, I provide the nutritional and lifestyle support needed to reduce or eliminate the symptoms and their causative underlying issues.

We believe the body can heal itself, once provided with the proper tools to do so. We look at the complete picture of health: Lifestyle, history, lab work, physiology, genomics, and biomarkers to identify core imbalances and get to the root cause of each health issue. This allows us to determine what's NOT functioning and strives to get to WHAT IS functioning to prevent future issues.
Poor diet is the number one risk factor for chronic diseases, yet there are mixed messages about which diet to follow.
While universal principles for healthy eating apply, beyond this is still the question of what works best for you based on your history, genetics, stressors, and the microbiome. Personalized nutrition provides tailor-made answers.
Connecting the dots between your history, symptoms and test results is central to finding the right nutritional plan for you.

Connecting the dots between your history, symptoms and test results is central to uncovering and addressing the underlying issues.

We believe that nutrition plays the biggest role in correcting health outcomes, followed by lifestyle changes, supplements when nutrient deficiencies or insufficiencies are suspected and then medications.

We provide advanced testing and interpretation of findings that are not generally available to you through your clinic. These specialty tests can provide insight into the condition of your hormones, genetics, gut, nutrition status, possible allergens, mental health and more. Together we determine if and what additional tests may be of benefit to provide more insight into symptoms experienced.
Fox Functional Nutrition Services may help with...
Gut Health
Immune Health Support
Loss of Energy
Weight Loss
Pain Management
Mental Health
Meal Planning
Renewed Energy